
Request for quotation (RFQ)Coming Soon

Need to raise an RFQ to send to your suppliers to get their prices? We have got you covered. Raise a well-crafted RFQ with all the crucial details effortlessly with our request-for-quotation feature.

Purchase Order Management

Effortlessly craft purchase orders with pa- rameters like price, discounts, expected delivery date, and legal bindings. You also have options to customize your purchase order as per your needs


Goods Received Note (GRN)

Making entries in the warehouse and creating a GRN has been more accessible than ever. Keep track of all the items you have received from your supplier and calculate stock-in-hand simply with your GRN.

Quality & Quantity Check

Automate quality assurance (QA) and main- tain a standard for your products. Initiate the check for the expected quantity and de- fect-free quality of items within GRN to op- timize your vendor relations efficiently


Vendor Relations - Supplier Pricing

When you purchase from multiple vendors or when a vendor offers different discount rates for every item, keep track of the item prices flawlessly with our vendor relations module.


Purchase Bills and Payment

Build your vendor relations by maintaining a clean history of purchase bills & pay- ment terms. Conveniently craft compre- hensive purchase bills and keep an eye on the bills for timely payment.

Approval workflowComing Soon

We ensure that all purchase orders go through one common process through our standardized, efficient approval process. This makes it easy to find it all in one place, maintain visibility throughout purchase approval and keep track of moving parts.


Sales Estimate

Create sales estimate from deals and simply convert sales estimates to sales orders or invoices upon acceptance. Build accurate estimates and bill more with our better invoicing management.

Sales order


Tax Invoice

Multi-warehouse management

Have a centralized control of all your warehouses in multiple locations. Manage stocks, transfer stocks based on demand, and synchronize sales across warehouses, all in one platform.


Item Bundling

Create & sell interesting combos with customized prices while still hitting your inventory at the individual product level. You also get a rigid grasp on all your combo purchases and sales to maintain precise inventory control. Manage bundled sales seamlessly, maintaining detailed oversight on combo purchases and sales records.


Packaging and Shipping

From configuring zones, generating packaging slips, creating unique package numbers, acquiring real-time shipping rates, to creating shipments everything is auto- mated and done in a few clicks.


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